Exploring the Weinsberger Forst
When you hear “Enduro-Hicking” you probably don’t think of action, jumps, wheelies and stopies – and that’s how it’s meant to be.
The Weinsberger Forest is one of the largest coherent forest areas in Austria and starts right in front of our garage – or maybe 2km after it. This forest also known as “Weinsberger Forst” consists of a tight net of natural roads, which are mainly public.
This, Scandinavian alike, landscape is the ideal place for some “Enduro-Hiking”. For this purpose, wheels like the TKC 80/70 or Heidenau K60-MT90 etc. are perfect.
We mainly drive on public dirt roads but also visit some dark ponds, mystic stone formations or top of mountains. You should have some experience on loose grounds to have fun on our trips.
For “Weinsberger-Forst Tour” you need standard exhaust and an official license plate. The Tour length depends on the motivation of our tour participants. Normally it's ca. 140 km with an average dirt road share of 50%.